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December 01, 2009


No Kill Houston

Your website has glitches. When I try to login in, it says it can't find my email address. So, I try to register again, but it tells me my email address already exists in your system. So I can't re-register or Log into my existing account. When I click on "Help", I am taken to a page for "Netsuites" that tells me to contact Accts Receivable. Yet, when I called Netsuites at the number listed, they don't know who you are.
Very frustrating that there is no way to contact you from your website.

New York Hotel

My friend stopped in Palomar, he was quite pleased and happy of being there. I'll be next month in NY and outskirts, I have a business trip. Do you have any Palomar in NY? I'll be glad to have a room in Palomar.

Las Vegas Hotels

I sure am glad that there are many brands that know the value of good service! That is what eventually keeps the customers loyal and paying :) And happy!

colon cleanse

After an extensive search I was finally able to locate one major
manufacturer of the capsules used in the Japanese Capsule Hotels.

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